Nowadays, energy renovation is an unavoidable subject in the construction field. In order to reduce the energy consumption of a building, the State has adopted a finance bill to help the owner to minimize his expenses concerning the renovation. For this reason, the State participates a share of financing to help the owners to undertake this system of renovation. This is the existence of the PrimRénov'.

Brief history on the creation of the PrimRénov'

At the beginning of the year 2020, the Energy Transition Tax Credit or CITE has been modified into a unique premium known as Ma Prime Rénov. According to this finance law, the PrimRénov' is given only for owner-occupiers. In addition, according to the policy of the State, landlords will also be able to benefit from this premium in 2021. In principle, the Prime Rénov is a premium granted by the State to help the owners of a dwelling to undertake an energy saving for his building. With more precision, this public aid concerns, especially, the works of thermal insulation as the roofs of a terrace, the interior and exterior walls, etc. The PrimRénov' is intended for owners with a low income.

The specificity of the PrimRénov'

According to the 2020 budget law, the PrimRénov' is a financial aid that modifies the CITE. In practice, this aid is paid by the State at the end of the renovation work by sending the related invoices. According to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, several energy renovation works are eligible to this premium: pellet boiler and combined solar, log boiler, geometric heat pump, air-water heat pump, thermodynamic water heater, insulation of exterior and interior walls, insulation of ceilings and attics, etc. The amount of the said premium depends on the nature of the work to be done and the resources of the housing. For example: the premium paid for work on combined solar heating is 8,000 € for the very modest family and 6,500 € for households with modest resources. To benefit from this aid, you must register via the internet on the website.

The advantages of PrimRénov'

The PrimRénov' is an aid granted by the State for the energy renovation of a house. Thanks to this premium, the renovation work will be less expensive for low-income households. Thus, everyone will be able to benefit from the energy saving for a healthy environment. It is a better attitude for the planet, because the work helps to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. It is possible for a modest family to bring more comfort in the house thanks to the payment of this unified premium. This bonus is simple and effective, because it is enough to send the invoices of the work to the competent official to receive the compensation.