Energy renovation is a real current issue. In a context where the price of energy is constantly increasing and where environmental concerns are widely shared, households have every interest in limiting their thermal losses in order to optimize their bills. The idea is to achieve at least a satisfactory energy efficiency and to have a more comfortable habitat. The question is how to do it. The answer is here. Follow along!

What should energy renovation work consist of?

First of all, to carry out energy rehabilitation work, it is to consult professionals recognized guarantors of the environment to obtain an estimate work. An energy renovation is in fact to engage a series of works allowing to improve qualitatively and substantially the energy performance of your house. Among other objectives, it is to achieve : - considerably reduce your energy bills; - minimize the carbon footprint of your household by emitting less CO2 ; - improve the internal comfort of your office or home. Thermal renovation works have therefore an economic and ecological scope. They call for intervention on three levers: - heating ; - insulation ; - and ventilation

Energy renovation: where to start?

To start an energy renovation project, you need to start with a preliminary audit of the building's thermal situation, then think about the question of financing if necessary.

Carry out an energy audit and diagnosis

The thermal audit is a diagnosis that allows to orientate the technical and financial aspect of the energy rehabilitation project. The professionals in charge of the auditing work should at the same time draw up a report outlining the optimizations required on the building as well as the necessary financing. Indeed, there are standards in terms of energy consumption of buildings. Thus, a house of 100m² which spends more than 1200€/year for its energy budget will require an energy renovation. Search for financing Indeed, many financing schemes or tax exemptions exist to help individuals finance their thermal renovation work. For example, there is the possibility to apply for : - the CITE (tax credit for energy transition) ; - energy saving certificates (CEE); - to the eco-loan at 0 interest rate; - a reduction of VAT; - etc. Each of these schemes has the merit of guiding you towards profitable renovation work, and likely to improve the thermal performance of your home in the long term. What are the important elements to visit during the works? During energy renovation, there are three key elements to visit in order to optimize the performance of the building: insulation, heating and ventilation.


It should be noted that the most important heat losses in a house are those that pass through the roof (about 30%). Next to this, there are the walls (about 25%) and the floor (about 10%). Work must be done to remedy this, without forgetting that wall insulation from the outside must be considered if necessary. To this end, there are a number of environmentally friendly insulation materials on the market for a good energy renovation.

The heating

If a good insulation reduces the need for heating, it is a question of choosing a suitable heating. Otherwise, during the work, the hot water radiator circuits or electric convectors must be revisited. Whatever solution you choose, you will need to obtain a heating system with the right power, since overpowered equipment will not help you achieve good performance.


When it comes to ventilation, only professionals can truly optimize a building to reduce its energy impact. Indeed, during energy renovation, the installation of a good ventilation allows to avoid humidity problems. From a financial point of view, it should be noted that the government has set up a system of aid for energy renovation work accessible to all and allowing to cover most of the said work.